Talk: Photo Books Now Symposium II

PhotoAlliance at San Francisco Art Institute, Feb. 3, 2017. 

Photographers have more options than ever before for presenting their work as a book – and meanwhile the notion of the photo book itself is changing, no longer bound by the limitations of the traditional monograph. There is a burgeoning market for photography in book form, with many new publishers, dealers, and gallery imprints serving a rapidly growing number of collectors. This symposium will address several issues of value to photographers, and to anyone interested in photo books, as photographers, designers, publishers, curators, and collectors share their experiences and insights. read more... 

Presenters include:

Peter Bogardus, Alejandro Cartagena, Luis Delgado, John DeMerritt, David Freund,  Jeff Gunderson, Sangyon Joo, Ken Light, Clifton Meador, Dana Smith, Jacqueline Thurston, Adrian Octavius Walker, Marshall Weber   and Steve Woodall.
